This is for family and who wants to become family!
What Happened To It?
Published on April 21, 2007 By cplair In Community
I for one don't have an answer for this! Do you? Cp
Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 21, 2007
I would like to see " Screenshot of the Day " return
to the way it was before , with a daily shot and your
Gold Star for the effort , some people here put a lot
of time and effort into their screenies to "show off"
the Artist work and should be re-warded i believe for
their contributions to this web-site !!

anyway that's my 2 cents worth !
on Apr 22, 2007
What Happened To It?

The Daily shot is still on the bottom of the gallery tab page but was showing same shot for 4 weeks.

That is one thing I will always agree with AZ. The Screen Shots are always nice to look at and its the one place the skinners get to see their work being used. I enjoy watching how different people set up their desktop using the same blinds and elements.

Maybe one day they will put it back or at least change the shot on a daily basis.
But, sadly, space on front page is like prime real estate.
on Apr 22, 2007
I kinda liked seeing the shot of the day - haven't noticed it for weeks. Must be the change in design. You know, if enough people ask for something people will listen
on Apr 22, 2007
Yea! Put it back up!
on Apr 22, 2007
You can always see it here:
on Apr 22, 2007
Someone changed the Daily Shot.
on Apr 22, 2007
You can always see it here:

Was the Daily Shot always there at Stardock?
I never sign in that way. Did the Daily shot change on that page and just didn't update on the WC end ? I saw same shot for 4 weeks on WC.

on Apr 22, 2007
We want it the WAY IT WAS! Stardock knows how important ScreenShots are. Tell us about it.
on Apr 22, 2007
Jim: We want it the WAY IT WAS! Stardock knows how important ScreenShots are.

Well, lets start by asking them.....

Im sure they know that its important for people that do not skin to be part of the sites activities. Screen shots are a way for everyone to participate and there is a difference between a so-so screen shot and a GREAT screen shot. It gives everyone a chance to see items they missed and things off the web that others are sharing.
Screen shots are also a beginning step to skinning. Little by little people learn to 'tweak' a bit here and there, customizing their own desktop until they feel confident enough to try their hand at making something and uploading it to the site.

Many skinners are born in the Screen Shot Section.
on Apr 22, 2007
I can work with one daily screenshot but screenshots as a whole irritate me.
  1. Many (most) don't document what componants make them up so then I have to ask and wait for a reply to get the same look and feel
  2. Some screenshotters spam the library and that chaps my hide
  3. The arguement that they are the "gateway drug" to more formal skinning stikes me as false
If I had my way (and I never do) I'd say whack the screenshots gallery and put that attention into themes. Get permission from the artists of the elements of the desktop, package them up as a Theme Manager theme and THEN post them.

{/rant off}

 [EDIT: I just thought of this (DOH!). The above opinion in no way reflects Stardock nor does my opinion count in this area]
on Apr 22, 2007
I agree,What has Been going on with the shot of the day?We want it BACK and Back the way it was!!!
on Apr 22, 2007
OK, screenshots of skinners hard work is crap! (Sarcasm)

Many (most) don't document what components make them up so then I have to ask and wait for a reply to get the same look and feel

You would like the average patron to document components. So what is WinCustomize but the documentation of skins. I don't put a screenshot up so you can duplicate it. I put it up because I am proud of it. It is common courtesy to put who did the skins for the credit of that individual that made the skin.

Some screenshotters spam the library and that chaps my hide

Is this not the reason for going through moderation? Try getting a wall through with spam.

# The arguement that they are the "gateway drug" to more formal skinning stikes me as false

I agree with you here somewhat.

I beleave Brad has said that this site is for the community. We, those who use/make, are all the community. I am an Artist. My hobby is drawing and painting. I do not have time to invent skins. Maybe someday when I retire I will. Maybe, just maybe, I will do a skin because I was inspired by a sreenshot....then maybe not.

Just my opinion. {/rant off}
on Apr 22, 2007
whack the screenshots

whack the screenshots

whack the screenshots

on Apr 22, 2007
ummm...on second thought...never mind
on Apr 23, 2007
Get permission from the artists of the elements of the desktop, package them up as a Theme Manager theme and THEN post them.

Where is the Theme Gallery ? I dont see one.
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