I used to feature screenshots a lot, going through the gallery picking out the ones which were either unusual or fresh.
The problem then became of of monotany - everything started to look the same. You'd have people uploading 3 or 4 generic looking shots per day. Screenshots became irritating rather than exciting. That's when I lost interest. You have only yourselves to blame.
The only solution is to have screenshot of the day heavily moderated. Screenshot of the day is featured across many Stardock sites. This means the choice has to be a considered one and has to represent skinning to a wider audience than just the 'screenshot clique'.
The 'screenshot clique', or 'rat pack' as some of you like to be known, is entirely responsible for the decline in the screenshot gallery. You upload endless numbers of samey shots, boost each others ratings, and lavish praise on each other. What good is that doing for skinning?
There are seveal reasons for uploading a screenshot: showing work in progress, showing your current desktop, showcasing skinning to a wider audience. If people are genuinely changing desktops as frequently as uploads suggest, then they are not getting the best out of skinning. Customising a desktop should be fun rather than a ritual.
Sorry to be so blunt, but you need to take a good look at yourselves and what you are doing.Why do you want a screenshot featured every day? To showcase skinning or for some kind of personal gratification? I suspect the latter (though I may be wrong...), in which case it's hardly suprising no-one is listening.
You are all looking to either Stardock or WinCustomize to make a decision. But as I see it, the decision is yours. It is up to you to put forward the case, not by constant moaning, but by being pro-active. I suspect the powers that be are sitting back to see what happens next. So, what happens next is down to you
Make a difference.
Disclaimer: please note these are my personal views and not those of Stardock or WinCustomize, nor are they representitive of any of their official policies.
I think the point is being missed. The management of either Stardock or WinCustomize can make decisions. Is that what you really want, someone making the decisions for you? Or do you think a site like WC should be community led? Nobody is ignoring problems - but are you sure we are looking at the same problems?
Opening a dialogue has been mentioned. Well, a number of times opportunities have been handed out only for no-one to seize the initiative. Earlier in this thread Zubaz made an offer - seems no-one was interested.
I don't see anyone coming up with fresh ideas, or solutions. And I'm not talking just about screenshots now. The management at WC/Stardock are well aware of all the site's shortcomings - people bitch ad nauseum about this, that and the other.All you get is someone saying 'this doesn't work' or 'this isn't right', never 'here is a problem - this is what I think should be done about it'. That's what I mean about being pro-active. Being a critic is a lot easer than providing a solution, it shifts the onus elsewhere.
So, the question remains: What do you want...?
If only one person would step forward, it would be a start.