This is for family and who wants to become family!
What Happened To It?
Published on April 21, 2007 By cplair In Community
I for one don't have an answer for this! Do you? Cp
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on Dec 24, 2007
The 'screenshot clique', or 'rat pack' as some of you like to be known, is entirely responsible for the decline in the screenshot gallery. You upload endless numbers of samey shots, boost each others ratings, and lavish praise on each other. What good is that doing for skinning?

Collect your thoughts and your history Fuzzy. The screen shot of the day declined when WC moved to it's new site months before there was such a thing as a Rat Pack! So don't go there, that's a poor excuse looking for a place to blame.

It was for this very reason that we formed the Pack! Not to impugn any of your condesending conjectures though, I'm not into finger pointing.

And most of those "Rat Pack" members were your biggest supporters in case you didn't know.
on Dec 24, 2007
Slider by Braniac
Good choice.

Some pointers for a featured SS (my opinion):
  1. Everything showing, skinned.  We don't want to see your default icons next to a skinned start panel
  2. At least three SD apps featured
  3. Bright colors (not too dark)
  4. Uncluttered . . no need to fill the screen.  Less is more
  5. Listing (and links) of components used
on Dec 24, 2007
Good list Zubaz I will try to keep them in mind
on Dec 24, 2007
Okay, so I sat back in my chair, read the replies here and also did some sole searching as I was, am and will always be a member of the "Rat Pack".

Cliques are a given in any community, it happens, you just have to understand that, you don't have to like it. Surely no one here believes that there are not other cliques or groups of liked minded people who share interests, sort of like a club.

Now back to the Rat Pack, sure it was taken to the extreme, were we having fun, yes, was it done to intentionaly, as they say, wave our noses in the air at others, no. Now, all that everyone has posted is fine, we are getting to read and digest peoples opinions, which is what we should be doing.

What's the fix for the preceived problem, in fact what is the problem? Screen Shots of the Day not changing daily, nah. People posting too many screenshots of their desktops, nah. Too many resources being used, nah, that's why I subscribe to both WC and ObjectDesktop and buy Master and Premium Skins so there will be enough resources here. Could it be that some of the non-skinners of the community don't really know where they should be posting or showing of their customized desktops that they are proud off, could be.

We have the ScreenShots Library under the Gallery and there are two posts in the forums, what are you working on and the monthly desktop screenshot. The two forum posts I don't think anyone should have a question about, really sort of straight forward, but the library does, I believe, leave folks asking just who can I post there. Is this the problem, possibly, well no, not really. Learning curve shouldn't be that bad.

Bottom line folks is, in my opinion, a portion of the community here, being non-skinners but loyal supporters of the site, either by subscribing or actions, are looking for a the means or ways to say, Hey look I'm here too. Now please don't turn this into the number of Skinners vs Non-Skinners. It has nothing to do with numbers.

Suggestions to change anything that is in place are fine, but as I was taught along time ago, we should all strieve to part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Okay, here's one suggestion from me, do away with the ratings and downloads in the ScreenShot Library. Hold on a second and let me duck before you start throwing things!

For myself it's easy to become part of the community. I'm retired, can hang out here 24/7. Sometimes I find that I can come up with the right answers to peoples problems in the forums, ah make that a few times. I've taken to hanging out in the IRC. Not everyone has the opportunity to do that.

So what ever the bottom line here is, the real questions is what would a commuinty do?

Peace, Love and Long Life.   
on Dec 24, 2007
A WC historical fact:

Jan 2007 my screen shot of a DX Theme I created "Sith Control Center" received one of the last feature tokens. However the shot was never featured because the switch was flipped from the old WC to the new site.

Apr 2007 the question was asked how long is the iPhone Fish going sit on Screen Shot Of The Day. That is when this discussion was opened.

May 2007 The Rat Pack was formed by AzDude and me because the question never got answered. Lots of people skinners and non-skinners joined in with the Pack because we were having FUN again.

So essentially blaming the Rat Pack for the decline in the screen shot gallery is a concocted prevarication and an intolerable excuse. If you have or use to have a soul, search there, but don’t blame the Pack that brought the fun back.

I’ll say this as many times as it takes, I refuse to let this question get twisted by anyone because this is my Forum. And I’m not the one who started this discussion back up. There are both skinners and non-skinners alike standing united who are concerned with this issue.

What’s the point of you showing an elitist attitude towards non-skinners having fun other than contributing to your own unpopularity?

This timeline was gathered from fact not opinion.
on Dec 24, 2007
Okay, here's one suggestion from me, do away with the ratings and downloads in the ScreenShot Library.
Extra cost to develop and supprt a custom solution that is unlikely to bring in revenue  . .  I can't see that happening.  Not a bad idea though.  I like seeing new ideas.

What’s the point of you showing an elitist attitude towards non-skinners having fun other than contributing to your own unpopularity?
I don't see this conversation as elitism (unless its by the screenshotters).  It's about putting forth good quality work that supports the sponsor of the site's goals.
on Dec 24, 2007
I don't see this conversation as elitism (unless its by the screenshotters). It's about putting forth good quality work that supports the sponsor of the site's goals.

The 'screenshot clique', or 'rat pack' as some of you like to be known, is entirely responsible for the decline in the screenshot gallery. You upload endless numbers of samey shots, boost each others ratings, and lavish praise on each other. What good is that doing for skinning?

Of course you wouldn't!

People are coming in here with formulated opinions and saying what they want.

I'm speaking from hard cold facts, dates, times and places, yet you question my replys and not the others who are presenting bald-headed lies.

Why is that?

You can't twist this, not with me.
on Dec 24, 2007
Of course you wouldn't
Curtis . . that's not elitism.  That's a response to the  flood of back-patting submissions  There is a difference.

I do not believe that any of the admins or moderators are anti-screenshot . .  but I, for one, get irritated by what I see as misuse.  While I don't blame any clique for the decline of the screenshot gallery, where the same clique could have improved the situation they chose not to.

See my list above of what should make a featured shot (reply #77).  Posting a shot of something unique or new makes good sense.  Posting a desktop that is functional because of Stardock products makes sense.
on Dec 24, 2007
Everything showing, skinned. We don't want to see your default icons next to a skinned start panel

At least three SD apps featured

Bright colors (not too dark)
Uncluttered . . no need to fill the screen. Less is more
Listing (and links) of components used

Zubaz, I have been doing a Classic Hot Rod series of screenshots to show off I.R.Braniac's Slider blind. Here's an example of one.
[WWW Link
Is this along the lines of what you mean. Would Vista gadgets be the same as SD apps?
I have been posting 1 or 2 a day and was going to end after I had posted 10
on Dec 24, 2007
That's a response to the flood of back-patting submissions

Call it what you want, but I call it encouragement Aaron, and that's a difference
on Dec 24, 2007
It seems to me that it's hard to pick a daily screen shot to showcase the SD apps from the plethora of screen shots, when the majority are either sloppy looking,don't match, show few applications, or just dont showcase skinning well as a whole.

Please before any body gets disgruntled let me explain. The featured shot is a SS that needs to embody the best skinning has to offer, it has to jump off the page and say to the viewer "DAM you need this!!!" Why ? because it is not just seen here, it is featured on many of the SD family sites Including the SD main home page. So it has to represent our community and SD in the best possible light it can..I see no problem with this as,you always lead with your best foot. Looking at the SS section many would not fit the criteria Zubaz posted. Like wallpapers, the SSOTD must be heavily moderated to keep the standards high..

If your SS gets Featured, its not just a deal... it is the hugest deal and the highest honor a Non skinner can get, as it was chosen as the best of the best,and deemed worthy of representing WC as well as Stardock corporation to the World. Flooding the SSOTD with mediocre screens, just to keep it a daily occurance, would detract from the massive honor being featured is meant to be.

I know I my self have at times been puzzled with the Amount of some peoples uploads within a weeks time..some had upped 5-6 in a week..."for those who are doing that or have in the past" did you really only use it 1 day and get bored?.. did you really take the time to perfect it? (my A Tribute SS took 5 years from start to finish to complete).This one took 3 mo's of work to get it where it is. Generation
not to mention the custom ports and mods I Built my self in most of my SS.

Im not trying to showboat, but trying to convey that theres more be being a true Screen shotter than just slapping them out like burgers at a restaurant. Quality over quantity.

I realize that some are just having fun and not intentionally flooding the SS library. I say good for you.Have fun. But with that, it is getting harder to sort through the SS section to find that one of a kind SS to be featured as best of the don't be getting on the mods for not having it change daily.

"Carguy"... your series is attempting to showcase a skin set and not just willy nilly uploading, IMO this does not fall in to the category of what I/the others have been talking about..

The SSOTD has been moved to a higher level of status it takes the best of the best, to get featured .. with this new status .. We need to step up to meet the challenge offered to us..

on Dec 24, 2007

This administrator believes screenshots of Windows customization in action a valuable tool and pivotal to the skinning game/industry.

There IS no better way to 'champion the cause' of skinning.

The Wincustomize 'Screenshot of the Day' was never ever actually seen to be literal as it almost never altered on a daily basis.  Maybe 'Featured Screenshot' really WOULD address the issue of the frequency of change.

Zubaz's list of prerequisites is spot on.  The actual intent of this featured shot is to provide a 'recent' working example of Stardock's/Wincustomize's GUI modification in action ..... something that would/will appeal and attract the novice.

For a very long time there have been one or three uploaders who tended to FLOOD the section with 50 permutations at a time with maybe nothing more than the wallpaper changing.....hardly inspirational.

I must's Xmas day here...more to follow...

on Dec 24, 2007

I must's Xmas day here...more to follow...

Me too - just got back from celebrating bringing in xmas day, gallon of beer etc...

Okay, here's one suggestion from me, do away with the ratings and downloads in the ScreenShot Library.

At last, someone actually suggests a solution.

Hold on a second and let me duck before you start throwing things!

No need - this is the kind of input being sought. Having thought about it, I support your suggestion. We can still feature screenshots without either ratings or downloads. Though as Zubaz says, it may not be cost effective.

More input please!

I’ll say this as many times as it takes, I refuse to let this question get twisted by anyone because this is my Forum.

That's the second time you've said that. Sorry mate, but this is not your forum... It belongs to everyone. Just like the screenshot gallery is not your gallery (that is how you are coming across).

You need to have a rethink. Are you willing to address the issue at hand, or are you going to continue concentrating on your own perceived issues? This isn't about you. It's not about an 'us and them' (there is no us and them, just a community with a common interest in desktop customization), it's about finding practical solutions to real problems.

At the end of the day, if you want more screenshots featured, then upload screenshots which showcase customization. It's a simple equation, but one which most appear to be failing at the basic level.


More tomorrow when I've recovered from a long night.

on Dec 24, 2007
The 'screenshot clique', or 'rat pack' as some of you like to be known, is entirely responsible for the decline in the screenshot gallery. You upload endless numbers of samey shots, boost each others ratings, and lavish praise on each other. What good is that doing for skinning?

That's the second time you've said that. Sorry mate, but this is not your forum... It belongs to everyone. Just like the screenshot gallery is not your gallery (that is how you are coming across).
You need to have a rethink. Are you willing to address the issue at hand, or are you going to continue concentrating on your own perceived issues? This isn't about you. It's not about an 'us and them' (

Actually it's the fourth time, but whos counting?

This bald headed lie right here made it us against them my friend and I just didn't ignore it. It's funny how well things are taken out of context though. But no, I'm not going to let you or nobody else just walk in here and lie like that, not on me and not on my friends. So sorry to you too partner.

There are several misconceptions in here, yet my words are the ones getting yanked on.

I've been addressing this since April and here we are in December, this is not a personal agenda, it doesn't twirl my beenie Sir!

I asked a simple question and all hell break loose, like "how dare you ask". So pardon me if I speak my mind like everyone else in here is doing.

on Dec 24, 2007
Curtis . . still not proposing anything you can do.
Not commenting on HG's suggestions or Jafo's feedback.  No mention of my list of "featured" criteria.

No one is trying to twist, lie, or attack you or your friends.  I think you're reading what you want into this. (But then . . you'd expect me to say that, right?  )

Bringing up the perceived issue is great . . trying to find a solution is even better. 

  • CarGuy1 . . I wouldn't' say that Vista sidebar gadgets qualify.  They are not SD Products.  I think core is WB, icons, and dock or DX gadget.  Less than that would have to be extra-ordinary.
  • Leo, I like your idea of limiting the number of screenshot submissions.  Two a month per member seems reasonable.
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