This is for family and who wants to become family!
What Happened To It?
Published on April 21, 2007 By cplair In Community
I for one don't have an answer for this! Do you? Cp
Comments (Page 7)
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on Dec 24, 2007
All the proposed suggestions are good ideas and worthy of some thought by the higher ups for possible implementation.
on Dec 24, 2007
Heh . . take a look at that

on Dec 24, 2007
looks great.. I.R. and them did a killer job...
on Dec 24, 2007
Now that ain't your every day plain old desktop. Excellent job I.R.   
on Dec 25, 2007

For a very long time there have been one or three uploaders who tended to FLOOD the section with 50 permutations at a time with maybe nothing more than the wallpaper changing.....hardly inspirational.
I must's Xmas day here...more to follow...

Ah, yes....real life [tm]  gets in the way.....had to dash to pick up my mother to take to my sister's [first Xmas without my father] ....definitely more important than the frequency of a screenshot change...

I often wonder exactly how much of a thread and its content people bother to read before adding comment themselves.  So often salient points are seemingly ignored as they're never later mentioned/referenced.

There was a time in the past where the 'screenshot of the day' was fairly frequently changed [not daily].  If you investigate the meaning/intent of the phrase 'of the day' it does NOT mean it must be of only that ONE day and thus MUST be new each day.

Later the 'sotd' has been changed less frequently still as the single proviso of its choice is that it MUST promote Stardock's skinning aps in particular...being both attractive and explanatory, and not just 'some new upload by whomever'.

It has always been a thorny point that a few of the specifically 'only screenshot' uploaders have blessed the site with copious quantity and little quality, so much so that more often than not the truly WORTHY shots are lost in the flood.  Very few 'outsiders' even understand what the uploader of such a flood even gets out of doing so.  Moderators typically see it as just 'more crap to deal with' rather than their being in the front row of the 'wow look at this new stuff - show'.

My first real involvement with screenshots and their making/displaying was to do with skinners' "works in progress", or queries like "HTF do you fix this image bug?" - tools of a skinner's trade.  Or creating screens depicting what a new [LS] shell theme looked if people downloaded it and installed....hopefully they'd emulate it.

When non-skinners [but users] upload the screenshots they can easily be 'wow...look at that lot as a collection [suite] ...great choice' ....but that's well and good if there's one ver....but less than good when 20 variations are uploaded as if no-one 'got it' the first time.  That simply dilutes the 'innovative'...

on Dec 25, 2007

Re 'Rat Pack''d be a close call as to whether that term was first coined on 'the other side of the moderation fence' or by the 'Rat Pack' members themselves....

There was a collective 'bunch' who gravitated towards screenshotting who appeared to be oblivious to the idea that 'less is more' and appeared to want to dominate the gallery through 'flooding' it.  This isn't something that NEEDS to be legislated against....but rather something that could preferably be 'grown out of'. 

There are actual screen-capture proggies out there in the wild that can auto-capture the desktop at any time interval....[as long as you have harddrive space].  Flood the gallery with those and we'd really 'need to talk'. ....


on Dec 25, 2007
Like Wom's idea of renaming it to Featured be updated at Moderators discretion

Like the idea of limiting the number of screenshots to three per month per member........

I would leave the 'ratings' in as it adds interest and allows people to participate.......monitor any alleged abuse and deal with it accordingly........

Do away with with download numbers as it does not really mean anything......

Cp, or anyone else for that matter......How do you feel about this? Is there anything you would like to suggest or see implimented.........
on Dec 25, 2007

We have some good suggestions so far. Changing the name to Featured Screenshot works well and could be implemented easily. Doing away with ratings and download counts is excellent - but would mean a site coding change and isn't really on. Limiting the numbers of uploads would also work and maybe get people to have a serious think about what they were uploading - but how could this be implemented?

Another suggestion would be to put all but the best screenshots to Personal Pages only. What do people think of that?

on Dec 25, 2007
on Dec 25, 2007
Everything showing, skinned. We don't want to see your default icons next to a skinned start panel

At least three SD apps featured

Bright colors (not too dark)
Uncluttered . . no need to fill the screen. Less is more
Listing (and links) of components used

I, for one, think posting the guidelines is a great idea.

Informal poll: How many people knew of these guidelines?

I'm betting not many ... I know I don't recall ever seeing them posted anywhere.

I'd also bet that the more info that is posted about what 'should' go into submissions (and not necessarily limited to screenshots; some of the other gallerys could possibly use a little guidance); the less "irritating" submissions the mods would see ... and consequently a higher caliber of shots would be available to pick from for the 'chosen shot'.
on Dec 25, 2007
Cp, or anyone else for that matter......How do you feel about this? Is there anything you would like to suggest or see implimented

Nothing more to add on for this Leo. I for one was not aware of the stipulations for screen shots, but as I've said many times, I've learned a great deal here.

I find this guideline as both satisfactory and fair and I want to thank everyone in this Forum for their input and for the effort it took to make this happen.


on Dec 25, 2007
I need to stress that the prerequisites for 'screenshot of the day' [championing SD's gear] pertain solely to that.  In other words there is no restriction/s on what sort of screenshot can be uploaded to only what sort will ever be highlighted/featured in  'featured shot' or whatever it is to be called....
on Dec 25, 2007
I think Pic's idea of a small piece about the guidelines is a wonderful idea. I'd suggest that it be posted on the gallery page of the screenshot gallery together with any 'cap' on the number you can upload, if that's possible.

So, we have quite a few suggestions and there appears to be some very positive 'vibes' about the way forward.

I guess we now leave it to Jafo, Fuzzy, Zu, Wom and the other 'elders' of the site to decide what is best for Wincustomize, the Moderators and the members. We look forward to hearing the outcome of their deliberations and a new era in Screenshots where everyone is catered for and continues to enjoy participation in an important area of our community.
on Dec 25, 2007
I wouldn't' say that Vista sidebar gadgets qualify. They are not SD Products.

Since DesktopX allows you to export as a Vista side bar gadget I cannot fully agree with your statement. Once more DesktopX users migrate to Vista, I feel certain more will be converted to Vista gadgets.
To give an example, here's one you created as a Vista sidebar gadget... WWW Link

Personally, I find them easier to keep track of when they are filed in the Vista sidebar folder.
on Dec 26, 2007
Carguy1. . I see your point.  If I saw a really good screenshot that had a Vista Sidebar gadget clearly identified as created with DX . . I'd work with it.
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